Najbardziej kuliste obiekty

2015-02-02 22:04

"są najbardziej kulistymi obiektami na świecie, lecz nie wiadomo czy są wystarczająco okrągłe"…


“And because he was a gentleman, he tried, when the child was born, to alleviate that frightening sense of detachment in his soul that was so painful to me. He made genuinely moving efforts to get closer to me and the child. It was like a tiger deciding to go on a vegetarian diet or to join the Salvation Army. How hard life is, how hard it is to be human”


“I understood that my husband inhabited worlds other than the one I knew.”


“It’s always a sin when we are not satisfied with what the world freely offers us, when people offer us something of themselves, when we greedily want to rob them of their secrets. Why can’t you live more modestly? With fewer emotional needs? … Love […] is endlessly patient and can wait. The course you have embarked on is impossible and inhumane. You want to take possession of your husband. But that is after God has arranged your mortal life to be the way it is. Can you not understand that?”


„I loved him because he was sad and solitary; because he was beyond anyone’s help, even mine.”


Przeczytałam te napisane przez mężczyznę wypowiedzi fikcyjnej kobiety o fikcyjnym mężczyźnie, i poczulam wstyd, odkryta, nakryta na własnym staraniu to alleviate that frightening sense of detachment in my soul, to make genuinely moving (yet pathetic…) efforts to get closer to people, like a tiger striving to be a vegetarian. After all I do openly inhabit many worlds, I want to protect their secrets even from myself, even more so being voracious as I am, because it is indeed inhumane to want and try to possess another human being. I love this way, because I am myself sad and solitary, and beyond anyone’s help… Very common in this respect, basically as everyone else. Jak w tym filmie, Les Amants Réguliers, “it's unbelievable, the solitude in every man's heart”.


Zmierzam do często z troską unikanego… I nie mogę się doczekać. Nareszcie.
